Legal Notice
Karol Reber is a self-taught artist who draws much of his inspiration from nature. The majority of his production consists of landscapes, portraits and scenes of life.
Name of the artist: Karol Reber: Geneva Telephone: + 41 (0) 79 539 94 24 Email: Legal form: Individual Capital Social: N/AS If the Karol Reber website offers services in the Executive of an activity which requires the approval of a public authority, the contact details of the supervisory authority must be provided. 0000-000000000222_Site host: [name, name or company name and address and telephone number of the site host] Notices relating to the use of personal data: [Karol Reber confidentiality policy] Notices relating to use of cookies: [Cookie policy of Karol Reber]
In the event of a dispute, the customer can contact the online dispute resolution (OS) platform provided by the European Commission, available at
Such : + 41 (0) 79 539 94 24